

Monday, May 24, 2010

Egg drop

Are egg drop did okay. The ruberbands did really good holding in the egg and the sawdust absorbed most of the blow. The bottom really didn't help because it made it flip over because one side was heavier. The wings didn't really help either but they didn't hurt anything. I think if we had put the wigs on the top and the bottom though it would have helped a lot and are egg might have survived the fall.
If we had put even a small parachute on it would have helped. Or if we had something more fluffy like cotton balls instead of sawdust but I don't think that would have helped much more. In the end are egg drop did pretty good surviving the 12ft drop. We didn't think it would survive the 24ft drop because we thought it would flip (which it did) and it wasn't very stable. So I thought it did a pretty good job.

Monday, May 17, 2010

What I learned at NASA

I learned that Hubble is a very strong very big telescope that can see Galaxy's that are billions of miles away. I also learned how the astronauts train for missions. They have a building that houses several different simulation space shuttles. That's what I learned on my trip to NASA.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Research Project

For my project I'm doing D-Day. D-Day was probably the most important battle of WW2. The battle would decide if the Americans could recapture the French Coast. If they lost the Germans would also have to fight a battle on two fronts instead of one. Because the Germans lost that caused the destruction of the Nazi rule.